Log on to UMA https://usermanagement.dataservices.doverfs.com/#!/usermanagement.
Once logged on select organisations –
Search for the organisation - DFS DX Wetstock Analysts
Press the add child user group icon
This should load the form to add the new child organisation. The following are mandatory
Relationship Type | Internal |
Name | The analyst’s name |
Country | The country where the analysts is base |
Press save and next once completed.
The page will change and switch to configuring the admin user group. Prese Save & next on the first screen.
The next screen will be the roles that this org will need. The roles are permissions. As the user is part of the Dover Fueling Solutions Organisation they will have all roles so there is no need to assign the roles. You can, at least, assign the Dx Wetstock Admin role under the DX Wetstock UI application
Press save & next
The page will change to the assign sites page. You can then assign the sites this user will need access to. Sites will only appear in the list if they are assigned to the parent organisations. This org is a child of DX Wetstock Analysts which itself is a child organisation of Dover Fueling Solutions.
If a site(s) you expect see is not in the assign sites list then it may not be assigned to the either parent organisation.
Once the sites are assigned press save. This should be analyst organisation setup completed.
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