The Backup database utility contains all of the data on the Integra programming and historical data.
Database backup
Log in as an administrator or a technician
Click Settings
Click Utilities
Click “Backup database” Select “Yes” in the dialog box.
Select the destination (Disk is the CF Card, Disk 2 is normally the USB Key, and you will have the option for PC if you are using a remote connection)
Select “Apply”
NOTE: If you are using a remote connection you will select “OK” and will be prompted for a file location on your computer. Do not change the name of the file.
Select a location and click “Save”. The backup will be in the selected location.
NOTE: If you select to save file on Disk or Disk 2 after you click “Apply” the file is automatically saved in the backup directory of the selected drive.
Additional Information:
The saved files have a date code in the file name:
Backup of Database = system_U_YYYYMMDD_HHMM.db
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