When logging into RKI, you are sent a mobile code to verify the phone being used in the RKI process. A mobile code is sent to the user's phone, which is entered into the RKI application, but the user receives the above code instead of successful log in. The screen looks like this:
Note: This error does not have anything to do with your Dover SSO log in that you would use to access the Dover Extranet. The terminology is simply the same in both instances. If you're seeing this screen, you've already successfully passed the username and password challenge.
- First, make sure that once you have typed out the code, that you are clicking the submit button, and not pressing "Enter". There is a known software issue where the program will not recognize the code if the Submit button is not pushed.
- Secondly, the user may be entering the number incorrectly. Please ensure the number is correct, and try again.
- Lastly, the application can also sometimes think the number is incorrect when it is not. Please enter the mobile challenge code a few times to ensure that is both being entered correctly and that the application is processing it correctly.
- If you are still having issues, contact your Dover representative for next steps.
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